
outside the box

© 2011 . All rights reserved.

outside the box

Yesterday, in the gorgeous sunshine, we got some sweet cardboard out and hit the slopes.


It was, for lack of a better word, SUPERFUN. You can see what it felt like RIGHT HERE.


This is one of those times, admittedly, where I get a little overly proud of my family’s ability to fend for ourselves, fun-wise.


I mean really. A big hill, some cardboard, some good friends. Roll with it.



We all went down at least once.


Whether we were kids…


Or just kids at heart.


Older ones helping the littles…


until they were ready to go it alone.


And all of it. FREE.

Until, of course, someone takes a trip to the ER.


Which kind of puts a damper on the fun, And the free. And maybe made me feel, just a little bit, like shooting someone.

Good thing the sun was shining!


All in all, a great day.

And for those of you who might be worried about my husband, he’s doing just fine. Maybe a broken wrist, maybe not – we’ll know after a radiologist checks the x-rays tomorrow.


  1. LOVE. IT. Worth the casualty. Have a great time in Vegas!

  2. This was the best day ever! 


  3. Hilarious. But Bryan never answered my question, exactly how many broken bones does this put the Jones clan at now?

    • Actually, as a family we have 2 confirmed and 1 maybe…Elizabeth’s arm and Bryan’s foot while snowboarding a while back. And then of course, the wrist – maybe, maybe not!

      Earlier in life though, before we met, I broke a foot attempting a hurkey off of a friend’s chair, and Bryan broke a thumb, bones in his hand, some toes, and an ankle – all playing football. I think you are seeing the constant in this sad list…

  4. “Got bucked off comin’ out of the chute” sounds so much more manly than “fell while riding an Ortega Taco box down a hill”.  I suggest you photoshop some western wear on that man and mail it to the relatives ASAP.  They will be so proud!

  5. guy

    Mr. Jones shouldn’t feel too bad. I probably would have attempted the same thing.

3 Trackbacks

  1. By Tweets that mention the dramatic » outside the box — Topsy.com 30 Jan ’11 at 8:47 pm

  2. By i’ll follow the sun « chino house 31 Jan ’11 at 7:08 pm

  3. By 2011 catchup: #vegasbaby | the dramatic 23 Jan ’12 at 12:46 am