I can’t believe I’ve been married for nineteen years. It sounds so much older than I am…
Bryan’s favorite way to describe an anniversary is to compare the years to a person’s life. So this year, our marriage is a sophomore in college. Which compares to how this anniversary feels – not quite the major milestone of twenty, but still impressive when I look at the number.
Funny thing, too – I was a sophomore in college, nineteen years old – when I first met Bryan. Placed together on the same Young Life team, we were leaders at a rural high school on the outskirts of Waco. I was dating someone else on the team when this tall Texas boy began volunteering to help me make the posters we would hang up in the school every week. None of the other guys on the team ever helped with those.
That Bryan, he’s no dummy. Happy anniversary, love!
One Comment
So amazing that you guys have stayed together for so long. And you act (at least what I see via the twitters and such) as if you’re still just as in love as day one.