Tag Archives: Little Rock

Listen To Your Mother: hold it up to the light
[all images courtesy of Jacob Slaton Photography] It’s been 2 weeks, and I’m still grinning every time I think about Mother’s Day. Because, you see, I believe in the power of stories. I love it when we can slow … Continue reading

the scary is often the right
Listen To Your Mother: Little Rock is now open for submissions – which got me thinking about how I got involved with this whole thing. I’m also counting this journey as one of my #48walks. Around this time last year … Continue reading

Clybourne Park at The Rep
The Arkansas Repertory Theater was kind enough to provide me with tickets to Clybourne Park at The Rep so that I could write about my experience. Opinions and applause are all mine. How do I tell you about the current play at … Continue reading

Red at The Rep
The Arkansas Repertory Theater was kind enough to provide me with tickets to Red so that I could write about my experience. Opinions and applause are all mine. You know how sometimes you’re at a party, or dinner, or even … Continue reading

little rock life: hot air balloon festival
I have this sweet friend Michelle who is one of those people who is always ready to make a plan, always calling me to say “let’s do this,” and who puts up with my general surliness long enough to get … Continue reading

Avenue Q at The Rep
Call me crazy, but there was something about seeing Avenue Q that reminded me of working at a church. I know that might be a reach, considering this musical has been described as “Sesame Street meets South Park,” but I’m … Continue reading

Death of a Salesman at the Rep
Friends, this is not the way I like to express my thoughts about a play (quickly) – but it’s a necessity because it’s Friday, which means you only have 4 more chances to see this play, and 2 of those … Continue reading

Saturday eye candy part 2: A Homemade Year
You might remember that yesterday I said I loved when a Saturday comes together perfectly – and this last one just did. Because after our great morning in Argenta, we still had a terrifically fun evening to look forward to. … Continue reading

2011 catchup: having a field day
It occurs to me, after several of these posts, that maybe I should have come up with something slightly more inventive than “2011 catchup.” But I guess that someone who is STILL blogging about last year isn’t going to get … Continue reading
planting dandelions
Earlier this spring I got the chance to read Kyran Pittman’s book, Planting Dandelions. Full disclosure: I did not get my hands on an advance reading copy because I am an influential blogger, or one of Kyran’s closest friends, but … Continue reading

because I knew you
These are not beautiful pictures. They are not well-lit. The group of people isn’t arranged the way I would like them to be, in front of a large green and black marquee for the play we’re about to see. In … Continue reading

here's your one chance, fancy…
Friday before last, I got to tour the new (fancy!) Kroger Marketplace out on Chenal Parkway. (Full disclosure: I was invited by a Kroger PR person, I had a great time and was plied with wonderful samples of food, including … Continue reading