Tag Archives: lemonade diet
hunger games
I’ve been thinking a lot about food lately. A few weeks ago, as we headed into Lent, I decided that for the first 10 days, I wanted to do the master cleanse. This is not my first go-round with the … Continue reading
regnuh (or, the flip side)
So, that Thursday, about 4 days in, I walked out of my office to my car to get something I’d forgotten. It was midday, beautiful and blue and sunny. As soon as I opened the door, I could smell the … Continue reading
If you could have set up camp inside my brain week before last (now THERE’S an appealing offer) you would have heard, around the tiny little pretend campfire, my thoughts chasing each other around in skittish little circles. Little circles … Continue reading
when life gives you lemons
Last week, I didn’t eat. Which may explain quite a few things, including why I haven’t posted here in awhile. I was doing the master cleanse, which is a juice ‘fast’ (technically it’s not a true fast because you are … Continue reading