Tag Archives: kenya

off we go: Scotland, Paris, Kenya
I am sitting in the airport in Paris, in what are the wee hours of the morning where I’m from. I should be asleep, or I would be if I were home – but I am not. I am bleary … Continue reading

Church in Kenya: welcome home
kuwakaribisha nyumbani (welcome home) I stood in my church in North Little Rock, Arkansas yesterday morning, and thought about this one in Migori, Kenya. I thought about how I can’t wait to go back. I love the color, the … Continue reading

Kenya: the water tower
Remember that time last year I went to Kenya? On the morning of the very first day we woke up in Migori, at the Kenya Relief school/orphanage/medical clinic compound, I wandered outside and almost immediately ran into Michael (our missionary … Continue reading

being awesome everywhere
This is one of my favorite Kenya pictures, because when I met Anthony Valley several years ago through Twitter, I had no idea that we would one day go to AFRICA together. Funny how things happen. I also love it … Continue reading

When I was in Kenya, one of the more surprising feelings I had was that of being soft. I mean, I had been thinking of myself as quite the adventurer: getting shots, traveling across the world, carrying loads of equipment, … Continue reading

the long road
The last time I wrote about Kenya, my husband said to me, you’re taking too long writing about this. You haven’t even made it to the mission yet. Well. I showed him. After that I didn’t write about it at … Continue reading

hello, Africa
Ok, so technically the journey begins before this, because one doesn’t just wake up in Africa, and I had never even flown internationally before (except to Mexico on my honeymoon and I don’t think that really counts, Mexico is really … Continue reading

how do I begin?
So far, when people have asked me about the trip, I find I can either give a couple of sentences in answer, or I can start talking and realize an hour later that I haven’t stopped. I think the thing … Continue reading

friday faves
Oh internet, you under-rehearsed novice, learn your lines already! I love you. Let’s see what you had to offer this week! Or last week, maybe. And technically not on the internet when I saw it. But it is NOW! Behold, … Continue reading

little help
I was having coffee with my mom yesterday and she said You know, I never got one of those letters. Oops, I said, that would be my fault. Five weeks from today I will be in an airport, leaving for … Continue reading
I want to be the kind of person that says yes. Even when I don’t know, even when I’m scared. Yes. When my dear friend Sandy said, are you going to come to Kenya? …my heart said yes. Even though … Continue reading

on a mission
Everybody has a story like this, right? Of that time you were sitting in church as a child and the missionaries came to visit from China, or India, or Africa, or some equally mysterious far-off land – and they stood … Continue reading