Instagram Travel Thursday: #RogersGetaway

IGTravelThursday, Rogers, Arkansas, Instagram, travel, travel blogging (1) © 2013 . All rights reserved.

Instagram Travel Thursday: #RogersGetaway

In August 2013, I was invited to attend a wonderful Rogers Getaway weekend. My trip to Rogers, Arkansas, was paid for by the Rogers CVB, but all opinions and recommendations are my own.

IGTravelThursday, Rogers, Arkansas, Instagram, travel, travel blogging (1)

Last month, I headed to northwest Arkansas to spend a weekend in Rogers, and it was such a fun trip! I was overwhelmed with pleasant surprises – our weekend was so well planned and and hosted that we saw many sides of the city in a short amount of time. There was so much I didn’t know about Rogers, and I can’t wait to tell you more about the places we visited.

IGTravelThursday, Rogers, Arkansas, Instagram, travel, travel blogging (3) :: pictured :: Ed Cooley’s White River Gallery, Rolando’s

Looking back at my instagram pics from the weekend reminded me variety of the area: we started Friday evening with fine art photography, fresh latin cuisine, and a cozy little nightcap.

Saturday we were off and running to the shops, featuring everything from fur to sequins, as you can see…

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:: pictured :: Cabela’s, White House Black Market in the Pinnacle Promenade 

Downtown Rogers has a lovely historic district, where among other things, childhood dreams can come true.You’ll shoot your eye out!

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 pictured :: Daisy Airgun Museum

Rogers also has a beautiful lake, yummy local handcrafted food & drink, and a quaint community theater. Some grown up dreams can come true here as well… IGTravelThursday, Rogers, Arkansas, Instagram, travel, travel blogging (6) :: pictured :: Jensen Boatworks on Beaver Lake, Heirloom Food & Gifts, War Eagle Mill, Rogers Little Theater.

By Sunday I was so grateful for some time at a spa. And also, back in my lovely, comfy, whole-thing-to-myself hotel bed.

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pictured :: me, after a trip to Spa Botanica in the Embassy Suites NW Arkansas.

I hope this has piqued your interest – especially with fall breaks and football weekends ahead! Like I said, I can’t wait to tell you more about this town. Look for more posts soon (especially since I just might have brought something back for you…!)

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I’m linking up with #IGTravelThursday today, click the image if you would like to see posts on Instagram and travel from all over the world!


  1. Allyson

    Great post Sarabeth! Loved getting to know you while you were in Rogers. See you soon!

  2. Love your photos. That drink looks smashing.

    Thanks for linking up with us this week.

  3. Thank you for joining us for IG travel Thursday! Lovely photos, and looks like you had a great time 🙂

  4. I love your eye for photos. That bedspread and the hangers… really lovely. The pix take me there.

    • Ciaran – thank you so much, that means a lot. I love what a good photo can do! Thanks for stopping by, I look forward to following along with you as well!

  5. The food and drinks looked fantastic (do I spy a lovely mojito there?) and the whole place seems to have a very nice vintage feel!

  6. Beautiful images, I’d be on for that drink also 🙂 And a hotel bed just for myself sounds like a dream to me at the moment as I’ve been up with a baby and toddler through the night! One day… 🙂

  7. Letitia King

    I was born in Rogers and lived there most of my childhood. My sisters still live in Rogers so I get to visit fairly often. It’s a fun place and I loved getting to see it through your eyes. Thanks for sharing,

    • Letitia I didn’t know that! How fun. My aunt & uncle actually lived there when I was a little girl – but it was nothing like it is now. I really enjoyed it!

  8. Sarabeth Jones,
    Arkansas!!! I’m super curious about what took you there? I’m an Arkansas girl, living in NYC! I was just there in July! You make Rogers look rather swell….that’s some Instagram magic! DJ

    • DJ, so fun to have a NEW YORK CITY Arkansan stop by! I live here, in the Little Rock area, and love to travel this beautiful state as well as all over the world. 🙂 Looking forward to seeing more of your #IGtravelthursday posts!