friday faves
Oh internet, you inexhaustible show tune singer, I love you. Let’s see what you had to offer this week!
Always shrinking: expectations of women, and men, and the things we unwittingly pass down – beautifully written and performed.
“I don’t know anyone who looks like Charlie Dunnam. I know five guys who look like Steve Martin.”: Expectations again, but a totally different take from Brittany, Herself.
Keeping the ‘dead’ in ‘deadline’: a rich reminder from Crescent Dragonwagon.
New South Style: Not many things can make me read a business’s blog, but one of my favorite brands + one of my favorite writers has got me hooked. Check out Kyran Pittman’s New South Style posts on Country Outfitter.
The Rep’s “Red”: I only just found out that the new play (starts next week!) at The Rep is about artist Mark Rothko. I adore his painting but know next to nothing about him as a person – the show sounds fascinating (artists! Talking about art!) and I can’t wait to see it. Are you planning to go?
Speaking of GOING: This gorgeous video that Alison shared (made by Julien, a fellow blogger on her recent Ireland trip) has me ready to head there right away. I love how well it communicates the feel of the place. (Plus I loved seeing my friend pop up in it a few times! Hey Al!) Who’s with me?
Around the dramatic this week:
- More about the lovely town of Rogers, AR, and a chance to win your very own Red Ryder BB gun! The comment section on this post is PRICELESS.
- The last of my thoughts – definitely bittersweet – about the whole crazy 7 thing…
- Coming next week: How the ‘big city’ side of Rogers surprised me & the winner of the BB gun! Also, I’ll be headed to Helena to see the sights and share it all with you – I’d love for you to come along with me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. I’ve never been before – so looking forward to it!
- This picture is like the beginning to a joke: A blogger walks into a bar…
Hope you have a great weekend! Got any great links to share?