friday faves

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friday faves

Of course, my absolute favorite thing about this Friday is that IT’S MY BIRTHDAY. I love birthdays! Also, it’s Flag Day, and I used to think when I was little that people hung out their flags to celebrate with me. Also, I get to go see Avenue Q tonight at The Rep!

YIPPEE! Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Oh internet, you perfectly timed scene-stealer, I love you. Let’s see what you had to offer this week!

Sing a little song: my sweet daughter recorded herself singing Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran. I think it’s gorgeous.

Surviving summer: Jen Hatmaker has gotten a ton of attention for her “Worst End Of School Mom Ever” post recently, which is hilarious, but I think I love this one on summer with kids at home even better: “…after fifteen summers as a parent, I’ve calculated the value of keeping us occupied and the summer moving along, and I am willing to pay 17 million dollars.  Basically, I’m a fan.

And of course, Twitter. I can ALWAYS count on you. ESPECIALLY on my birthday.
Loved all the online birthday wishes! Here are a few that really made me laugh.