friday faves

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friday faves

Oh internet, you inspirational period piece, I love you. Let’s see what you had to offer this week!

Why politicians lie, and why we don’t care: a very well-thought out piece on lying, why we listen to it, and a few things we can do to combat it by my smart friend Amy Bradley-Hole.

Now let’s throw God in there too: Rachel Held Evans on how God should fit into this whole political thing.

When Jesus was asked about taxes, he didn’t hold up a coin, point to it dramatically, and shout to the crowd, “WHY ISN’T MY NAME ON THIS?!

Amen, sister. AMEN.

The scary truth about parents hugging: Honest Toddler lays it on the line.

More sunbeams, please: This poster, by Kensie Kate (found via Chelsye, who I was happy to discover has a blog!)

















And of course, Twitter. I can ALWAYS count on you.


What about you? What did you see that was fabulous on the internets this week?

One Comment

  1. I always love your Friday posts, and I’m thrilled i made the cut for this one. Thank you!