Tag Archives: beach

beach break
Nothing big to say today. Only that these photos made me happy. I thought you might enjoy them too. We took them one evening on our fall break trip – coming in late in the afternoon to get cleaned up … Continue reading

shine on
We’re at the beach this week, so I thought it would be fun to share some favorite beachy posts from the past. This was originally posted in August of 2009, after our beach trip that July. The kids were 12, … Continue reading

beach life is hard
We’re at the beach this week, so I thought it would be fun to share some favorite beachy posts from the past. This was originally posted in July of 2008, the summer that our friends the Chinos were on their … Continue reading

turtle turtle
This week the Jones family is at one of our favorite places – the beach! So I thought it might be entertaining to look back through some favorite beach posts from the past. This was originally posted on July 8, … Continue reading

a (not so) short list of strange things seen at the beach
This week the Jones family is at one of our favorite places – the beach! So I thought it might be entertaining to look back through some favorite beach posts from the past. This is a set of 3 posts … Continue reading
keeping up with the Joneses
This week the Jones family is at one of our favorite places – the beach! So I thought it might be entertaining to look back through some favorite beach posts from the past. keeping up with the Joneses was originally … Continue reading

Jamaica me crazy, part 1: no problem!
Bryan and I went on a wonderful trip last week, a sun-soaked cruise with lots of surf and sand and umbrella drinks. Sushi and dressing up for dinner and blue sky as far as the eye could see. But before … Continue reading

surf 'n turf
Alternately titled: Just exactly how long is that crazy woman going to post about her vacation? Wasn’t that like, a month ago? Finally, Friday, the sun came out. Cleanup tents and all, it was going to be a great day. … Continue reading

and so it goes
After that fantastic first day at the beach, things went a little…well, downhill. As many of you know already, thanks to my husband’s ubiquitous emergency room tweeting, on the very next night I cut my finger quite badly. Somehow, that … Continue reading

movin' right along
When we last spoke, I believe we were at the redneck wedding. It’s taken a while for me to be able to come back and write about this vacation for several reasons, not the least of which is that writing … Continue reading

red to the neck
I love Destin, so much so that when I first heard it referred to as the “redneck Riviera” I was a little offended. What do they know, I thought. That NASCAR umbrella next to me? Surely those unfortunate people were … Continue reading

wish you were here
I was doing a little digging around, and I found this post that never went up – because, well, it was during a point when I was having much trouble with images in my posts. Things were not right. Text … Continue reading