Tag Archives: Arkansas

the scary is often the right
Listen To Your Mother: Little Rock is now open for submissions – which got me thinking about how I got involved with this whole thing. I’m also counting this journey as one of my #48walks. Around this time last year … Continue reading

Clybourne Park at The Rep
The Arkansas Repertory Theater was kind enough to provide me with tickets to Clybourne Park at The Rep so that I could write about my experience. Opinions and applause are all mine. How do I tell you about the current play at … Continue reading

turning toward the light
In October 2013, I went on a blogging trip to Helena, Arkansas. Visit Helena hosted me and paid for my trip, but all opinions are my own. Today it is mid-November and the spin toward Christmas has already taken hold. … Continue reading

Red at The Rep
The Arkansas Repertory Theater was kind enough to provide me with tickets to Red so that I could write about my experience. Opinions and applause are all mine. You know how sometimes you’re at a party, or dinner, or even … Continue reading

Rogers, Arkansas: hometown & handmade
In August 2013, I was invited to attend a wonderful Rogers Getaway weekend. My trip to Rogers, Arkansas, was paid for by the Rogers CVB, but all opinions and recommendations are my own. During our time in Rogers we saw all kinds of … Continue reading

Instagram Travel Thursday: #RogersGetaway
In August 2013, I was invited to attend a wonderful Rogers Getaway weekend. My trip to Rogers, Arkansas, was paid for by the Rogers CVB, but all opinions and recommendations are my own. Last month, I headed to northwest Arkansas … Continue reading

little rock life: hot air balloon festival
I have this sweet friend Michelle who is one of those people who is always ready to make a plan, always calling me to say “let’s do this,” and who puts up with my general surliness long enough to get … Continue reading

Saturday eye candy part 2: A Homemade Year
You might remember that yesterday I said I loved when a Saturday comes together perfectly – and this last one just did. Because after our great morning in Argenta, we still had a terrifically fun evening to look forward to. … Continue reading
planting dandelions
Earlier this spring I got the chance to read Kyran Pittman’s book, Planting Dandelions. Full disclosure: I did not get my hands on an advance reading copy because I am an influential blogger, or one of Kyran’s closest friends, but … Continue reading

diggin' in
I am in one of those places where I feel that I will never blog again. Or, rather, I feel that I will just as soon as this next project is over – but there is always another project, isn’t … Continue reading