sunday morning
what’s shaping your life? what’s shaping mine? i could look around the room and try to recite all the unwritten rules that guide our lives don’t oversleep go to church comb your hair press your shirt marry the right one … Continue reading
trailer park yoga
I went to my very first yoga class today, with my friend who is a teeny bit of a fanatic about it. She’s very convincing about things – she got me to try some salad with barley in it once … Continue reading
almost famous
Our latest Baylor Magazine came last week with a picture of Angela Kinsey on the cover. Yes, we knew she was a fellow alum. Yes, we are freaks about The Office. Yes, we were so very excited. And stunned. For … Continue reading
mother of the year
This afternoon, while driving one of my many laps around this town – school, husband to work, my work, school, orthodontist, back to school, work, lunch, back to school again, orthodontist again, grocery store, back to school once more time, … Continue reading
He looked over at me in the gathering dusk, and said, “You know, I used to have a crush on you.” Excuse me – used to? I should have known then that he was going to be trouble. He was … Continue reading
i do, i do
We just got home from a wedding. It was so many things that a wedding should be; intimate, with a bride and groom who have seen enough of life to know – well, as much as anyone can – what … Continue reading
new every morning
There are things that are true whether I like it or not. When I’m grumpy, or sad (like during this week…ok, well maybe this whole month), I don’t like to be reminded of these things. That’s easy for you to … Continue reading
kiss kiss bang bang
Bryan and I ended up with this movie this weekend; I had never heard of it. We were aimless at Blockbuster on Friday, having wheedled our way through a week without the kids, and not really feeling like joining the … Continue reading
the sound of silence
My kids left yesterday for San Antonio – flying with their grandmother from here to spend a week with their grandmother from there. So far, they have had their first plane ride (technically Elizabeth has flown, but at 15 months … Continue reading

and we’re not great at math, either
Also not high on the skills list at the Jones house? Reading fine print. After I posted last week about our priceline adventure, I couldn’t let go of the fact that we had missed such a GREAT DEAL! I called … Continue reading
intrepid internet idiots
Tomorrow the Jones clan will head north to the land of silver dollar and dixie stampedes. That’s right folks! We’re headed to Branson! We’re taking this short trip as a result of our daughter’s dance competition, which is really a … Continue reading
shout out
So, this morning one of my friends, a terribly gifted drummer and wonderfully supportive fellow artist, tells me he thinks maybe I was a little hard on this guy. And pretty much, he’s probably right, because mostly what I wanted … Continue reading